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The bridge between two f-holes


Aside from learning to play this marvellous beast of an instrument, I have been putting her to work in other areas of interest at the same time.

Being a games developer, I make my own music by using a digital audio workstation (DAW) and an audio editor. My preferred applications are LMMS and Audacity. I plan to add the cello into the mix when I can play her at a level I am happy with. For the moment, she is mostly used as sound effects and ambiance fill.

If you're looking for session musicians remote or otherwise, try the ever growing database at http://sessionexchange.org/.

My current cello, Gracie, is an 80 year old German cello by Franz Michl. Klingenthal, 1934. My first cello, Unnamed, is a Primavera 200 workshop fitted by Jan Neild and I use an L.G. Chen Carbon Fibre Weave bow on Larsen strings.

This site uses Pagecake, our very own open source wikiblog. Graphics are made using Inkscape.

All content created from scratch by yours truly.