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The bridge between two f-holes

Lesson 74 - Revisiting Bunting

2014-03-14 16:44:47

Recently I've been experiencing tension and pain surrounding the right thumb when bowing. This usually means I've not been utilising the large back muscles that are at my disposal but instead relying lazily on the thumb to lead the bow strokes. I also find that this largely happens when I've not had enough warming up due to limited practise time. I mean, who wants to spend what little time they have on warm ups and techniques when you could be playing the Allemande?

Of course it didn't start out that way. I had made a point to sit patiently and focus on techniques to better my approach to the Allemande but looming deadlines and last minute work obligations were always around the corner and I found myself compensating.

So today Deryn decided we revisit Bunting's bow games and regime. I haven't done this in ages! I've been so enthralled by the prospects of playing Bach that anything else played second fiddle, including the very effective Bunting. Good ole reliable yet surprisingly easy and effective Bunting.
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Learning the cello as an adult started as a dare but has now turned into an ongoing love affair; I hope to one day make her sing to her full potential. In the meantime, all spare time and moments are dedicated to this wonderful instrument as I am unable to think about anything else, much to the dismay of my other half :}

This is an attempt to remember the classes I have taken so that I don't forget.

My wonderful teacher, Deryn ~ http://cellostudio.info/