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The bridge between two f-holes

Misc 5 - Practise log

2016-06-12 01:23:06

I was playing around with my mic to record an excerpt from a book I bought at a charity shop recently. The cover caught my eye but the content convinced the purchase. Vanity aside, I really wanted to improve my announciation and pronounciation. I'm sure most people can't stand the sound of their voice but I find difficulty in reading without rushing and sounding like I am speaking complete gibberish. The accent doesn't help this unintelligible mess; a weird mixture of american twang, a vague sense of british-ness (?) and third-world southeast asian pigeon - symptoms from being slightly (read: a lot) autistic and raised by television.

Anyway, here I was practising the cello, half wondering if I should start attending weekly lessons instead of the measly fortnight classes and it dawned on me that I was mere seconds from pushing the record button. So here goes:

I've got an older recording somewhere in that Soundcloud account and I daren't press the play button for fear that I've gotten worse. Still, I figured it was time for an update on my progress. Very soon, no, actually it's now 19 days past the 4 year mark since I started on this journey.

Wow. Four. Years.

I suppose it is about time I join an orchestra or something. It was never one of the things I strived to do when I first started but it's not like I wasn't actively thinking about it. It's just - they all seem so stuffy. Of course I could be very wrong and they are all lovely beyond imagination but I'm rather very, very disagreeable with stuffy. In fact, you could probably say I'm the anti-stuff.

Which is why this ensemble peaked my interest. Particularly this section of their ethos:

We want classical music to be accessible to people of all ages, and young children are very welcome to our family concerts. In our July family concert, we even ask the audience to bring their stringed instruments and play along in one of our pieces with us.

That's just amazing. I've yet to find anything similar on any of the orchestras I've been researching so hopefully, with a bit of luck, spit and polish, I could maybe be good enough to join this ensemble. If they'll let me :}


Learning the cello as an adult started as a dare but has now turned into an ongoing love affair; I hope to one day make her sing to her full potential. In the meantime, all spare time and moments are dedicated to this wonderful instrument as I am unable to think about anything else, much to the dismay of my other half :}

This is an attempt to remember the classes I have taken so that I don't forget.

My wonderful teacher, Deryn ~ http://cellostudio.info/